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2022-10-25 19:59:56 +00:00
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
name: PR check
2022-10-25 19:59:56 +00:00
ML-42 Implement equipment profiles creating (#45) * added Equipment section placeholder * get iso & nd values from equipment profile * use photography values from remote repo * removed equipment section * wip * moved `EquipmentProfileProvider` from iap repo * wip * moved equipment profiles screen from iap * improved equipment profiles screen * mock add/delete * collapse on expand * add profile with name * show selected values count (wip) * fixed profile update * cleanup * Update pubspec.yaml * made `AnimatedDialogPicker` more generic * switched to local `Dimens` * fixed `MeteringTopBarShape` * rename * animated `EquipmentProfileContainer` * added default equipment profile * change equipment profile name via dialog * fixed profile selection * filter equipment profile update/delete * removed `enabled` param from settings section * non-null `EquipmentProfile` * fixed duplicate GlobalKeys * animated equipment list * Update ci.yml * fixed shutter speed anchor issue * autofocus * added firebase to project * save/restore equipment profiles * unified `SliverList` * added SSH key to iap repo * Update ci.yml * ci recursive submodules * try full url * Revert "try full url" This reverts commit a9b692b60ea5b2e88188a5d497467708becb4a02. * restore firebase_options.dart * changed runner to macos * restore options earlier * removed problematic file from analysis :) * removed launch_app * textoverflow * implemented `DialogRangePicker` * add iap repo to cd * typo * added workflow_dispatch to crowdin push * removed `equipmentProfileValuesCount` from intl * fr & ru translations * style * removed iap
2023-03-30 19:24:18 +00:00
branches: ["main"]
2022-10-25 19:59:56 +00:00
ML-42 Implement equipment profiles creating (#45) * added Equipment section placeholder * get iso & nd values from equipment profile * use photography values from remote repo * removed equipment section * wip * moved `EquipmentProfileProvider` from iap repo * wip * moved equipment profiles screen from iap * improved equipment profiles screen * mock add/delete * collapse on expand * add profile with name * show selected values count (wip) * fixed profile update * cleanup * Update pubspec.yaml * made `AnimatedDialogPicker` more generic * switched to local `Dimens` * fixed `MeteringTopBarShape` * rename * animated `EquipmentProfileContainer` * added default equipment profile * change equipment profile name via dialog * fixed profile selection * filter equipment profile update/delete * removed `enabled` param from settings section * non-null `EquipmentProfile` * fixed duplicate GlobalKeys * animated equipment list * Update ci.yml * fixed shutter speed anchor issue * autofocus * added firebase to project * save/restore equipment profiles * unified `SliverList` * added SSH key to iap repo * Update ci.yml * ci recursive submodules * try full url * Revert "try full url" This reverts commit a9b692b60ea5b2e88188a5d497467708becb4a02. * restore firebase_options.dart * changed runner to macos * restore options earlier * removed problematic file from analysis :) * removed launch_app * textoverflow * implemented `DialogRangePicker` * add iap repo to cd * typo * added workflow_dispatch to crowdin push * removed `equipmentProfileValuesCount` from intl * fr & ru translations * style * removed iap
2023-03-30 19:24:18 +00:00
branches: ["main"]
2022-10-25 19:59:56 +00:00
2025-01-27 18:55:29 +00:00
name: Analyze & test
runs-on: macos-14
timeout-minutes: 10
2025-01-27 18:55:29 +00:00
EMPTY_CONSTANTS: Y29uc3QgU3RyaW5nIGlhcFNlcnZlclVybCA9ICcnOwpjb25zdCBTdHJpbmcgaXNzdWVzUmVwb3J0VXJsID0gJyc7CmNvbnN0IFN0cmluZyBzb3VyY2VDb2RlVXJsID0gJyc7CmNvbnN0IFN0cmluZyBjb250YWN0RW1haWwgPSAnJzsK
EMPTY_FIREBASE_OPTIONS: Ly8gaWdub3JlX2Zvcl9maWxlOiB0eXBlPWxpbnQKaW1wb3J0ICdwYWNrYWdlOmZpcmViYXNlX2NvcmUvZmlyZWJhc2VfY29yZS5kYXJ0JyBzaG93IEZpcmViYXNlT3B0aW9uczsKY2xhc3MgRGVmYXVsdEZpcmViYXNlT3B0aW9ucyB7c3RhdGljIGdldCBjdXJyZW50UGxhdGZvcm09PkZpcmViYXNlT3B0aW9ucyhhcGlLZXk6ICcnLCBhcHBJZDogJycsIG1lc3NhZ2luZ1NlbmRlcklkOiAnJywgcHJvamVjdElkOiAnJyk7fQ==
2022-10-25 19:59:56 +00:00
- uses: 8BitJonny/gh-get-current-pr@2.2.0
id: PR
2025-01-27 18:55:29 +00:00
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
ML-42 Implement equipment profiles creating (#45) * added Equipment section placeholder * get iso & nd values from equipment profile * use photography values from remote repo * removed equipment section * wip * moved `EquipmentProfileProvider` from iap repo * wip * moved equipment profiles screen from iap * improved equipment profiles screen * mock add/delete * collapse on expand * add profile with name * show selected values count (wip) * fixed profile update * cleanup * Update pubspec.yaml * made `AnimatedDialogPicker` more generic * switched to local `Dimens` * fixed `MeteringTopBarShape` * rename * animated `EquipmentProfileContainer` * added default equipment profile * change equipment profile name via dialog * fixed profile selection * filter equipment profile update/delete * removed `enabled` param from settings section * non-null `EquipmentProfile` * fixed duplicate GlobalKeys * animated equipment list * Update ci.yml * fixed shutter speed anchor issue * autofocus * added firebase to project * save/restore equipment profiles * unified `SliverList` * added SSH key to iap repo * Update ci.yml * ci recursive submodules * try full url * Revert "try full url" This reverts commit a9b692b60ea5b2e88188a5d497467708becb4a02. * restore firebase_options.dart * changed runner to macos * restore options earlier * removed problematic file from analysis :) * removed launch_app * textoverflow * implemented `DialogRangePicker` * add iap repo to cd * typo * added workflow_dispatch to crowdin push * removed `equipmentProfileValuesCount` from intl * fr & ru translations * style * removed iap
2023-03-30 19:24:18 +00:00
2025-01-27 18:55:29 +00:00
- name: Connect private iap package
uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.8.0
id: fetch-iap
if: steps.PR.outputs.number == 'null' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.M3_LIGHTMETER_IAP_KEY }}
- name: Override iap package with stub
id: override-iap
if: steps.fetch-iap.conclusion != 'success'
run: bash ./.github/scripts/stub_iap.sh
- name: Restore secrets
CONSTANTS: ${{ steps.fetch-iap.conclusion == 'success' && secrets.CONSTANTS || env.EMPTY_CONSTANTS }}
FIREBASE_OPTIONS: ${{ steps.fetch-iap.conclusion == 'success' && secrets.FIREBASE_OPTIONS || env.EMPTY_FIREBASE_OPTIONS }}
run: |
bash .github/scripts/restore_from_base64.sh "${{ env.CONSTANTS }}" "lib/constants.dart"
bash .github/scripts/restore_from_base64.sh "${{ env.FIREBASE_OPTIONS }}" "lib/firebase_options.dart"
- uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
channel: "stable"
flutter-version: "3.27.1"
- name: Prepare flutter project
run: |
flutter --version
flutter pub get
flutter pub run intl_utils:generate
- name: Analyze project source
run: flutter analyze lib --fatal-infos
- name: Run tests
run: |
defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0
flutter test --dart-define cameraStubImage=assets/camera_stub_image.jpg
- name: Analyze project source with stub
if: steps.override-iap.conclusion != 'success'
run: |
bash ./.github/scripts/stub_iap.sh
flutter pub get
flutter analyze lib --fatal-infos
Added builds to CI (#208) * Update README.md * Set exact Flutter version for workflows * Added stub `DefaultFirebaseOptions` * Fixed `rm` * Removed `rm` * Update .gitignore * Added readable name to ci workflow * Build -> Development * Update ci.yml * Extract merged native libraries * More descriptive run name * Delete no longer used artifacts * Replaced "Build ..." flow with "Create release" * renamed other flows * try using script for iap stub * typo * typo * typo * removed working dir * added comment to stub_iap.sh * checkout first * increment build number by script * Update increment_build_number.sh * fixed iap repo * stub * updated stub script to work with tags * depend on step conclusion * check PR number * run integration tests before build * reuse Build Android workflow * added stage backend option * reuse Build iOS workflow * temporeraly skip release jobs * [ios] use distribution profile for release builds * temporary skip tests * typo * checkout actions * incremented macos runner version * Restore GoogleService-Info.plist * Restore firebase_app_id_file.json * style * separated android and ios builds * fixed invalid workflow * simplified release workflow tree * fixed android keystore path * enabled integration tests * added option to skip integration tests * fixed android folders... * enabled releases * increment build number for ios * upload ipa to app store * test ipa upload * typo * try to force ipa upload * removed flavor from ipa artefact name * try manual ipa upload * switched to ubuntu for upload * decode to repo * Update create_release.yml * auth with username + password * reverted temporary settings * typo * disable pre-release integration tests by default * fixed integration tests * increased integration tests timeout * delete ipa after upload * delete all artifacts after the run * fixed integration tests * reduce integration tests timeout * build apk with latest macos runner * allow to skip release to one of the stores * added build checks to PR checks * fixed inputs naming * increased jvm heap
2025-01-21 18:43:14 +00:00
name: Checks for platform changes
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
android-changed: ${{ steps.platform-changes.outputs.android-changed }}
ios-changed: ${{ steps.platform-changes.outputs.ios-changed }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
- id: platform-changes
uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
filters: |
- 'android/**'
- 'pubspec.yaml'
- 'ios/**'
- 'pubspec.yaml'
name: Build Android
needs: platform-changes
if: needs.platform-changes.outputs.android-changed == 'true'
uses: ./.github/workflows/build_apk.yml
secrets: inherit
binary-type: apk
flavor: prod
2025-01-27 12:37:13 +00:00
upload-artifact: false
Added builds to CI (#208) * Update README.md * Set exact Flutter version for workflows * Added stub `DefaultFirebaseOptions` * Fixed `rm` * Removed `rm` * Update .gitignore * Added readable name to ci workflow * Build -> Development * Update ci.yml * Extract merged native libraries * More descriptive run name * Delete no longer used artifacts * Replaced "Build ..." flow with "Create release" * renamed other flows * try using script for iap stub * typo * typo * typo * removed working dir * added comment to stub_iap.sh * checkout first * increment build number by script * Update increment_build_number.sh * fixed iap repo * stub * updated stub script to work with tags * depend on step conclusion * check PR number * run integration tests before build * reuse Build Android workflow * added stage backend option * reuse Build iOS workflow * temporeraly skip release jobs * [ios] use distribution profile for release builds * temporary skip tests * typo * checkout actions * incremented macos runner version * Restore GoogleService-Info.plist * Restore firebase_app_id_file.json * style * separated android and ios builds * fixed invalid workflow * simplified release workflow tree * fixed android keystore path * enabled integration tests * added option to skip integration tests * fixed android folders... * enabled releases * increment build number for ios * upload ipa to app store * test ipa upload * typo * try to force ipa upload * removed flavor from ipa artefact name * try manual ipa upload * switched to ubuntu for upload * decode to repo * Update create_release.yml * auth with username + password * reverted temporary settings * typo * disable pre-release integration tests by default * fixed integration tests * increased integration tests timeout * delete ipa after upload * delete all artifacts after the run * fixed integration tests * reduce integration tests timeout * build apk with latest macos runner * allow to skip release to one of the stores * added build checks to PR checks * fixed inputs naming * increased jvm heap
2025-01-21 18:43:14 +00:00
stage-backend: false
version: "1.0.0"
name: Build iOS
needs: platform-changes
if: needs.platform-changes.outputs.ios-changed == 'true'
uses: ./.github/workflows/build_ipa.yml
secrets: inherit
2025-01-27 12:37:13 +00:00
upload-artifact: false
Added builds to CI (#208) * Update README.md * Set exact Flutter version for workflows * Added stub `DefaultFirebaseOptions` * Fixed `rm` * Removed `rm` * Update .gitignore * Added readable name to ci workflow * Build -> Development * Update ci.yml * Extract merged native libraries * More descriptive run name * Delete no longer used artifacts * Replaced "Build ..." flow with "Create release" * renamed other flows * try using script for iap stub * typo * typo * typo * removed working dir * added comment to stub_iap.sh * checkout first * increment build number by script * Update increment_build_number.sh * fixed iap repo * stub * updated stub script to work with tags * depend on step conclusion * check PR number * run integration tests before build * reuse Build Android workflow * added stage backend option * reuse Build iOS workflow * temporeraly skip release jobs * [ios] use distribution profile for release builds * temporary skip tests * typo * checkout actions * incremented macos runner version * Restore GoogleService-Info.plist * Restore firebase_app_id_file.json * style * separated android and ios builds * fixed invalid workflow * simplified release workflow tree * fixed android keystore path * enabled integration tests * added option to skip integration tests * fixed android folders... * enabled releases * increment build number for ios * upload ipa to app store * test ipa upload * typo * try to force ipa upload * removed flavor from ipa artefact name * try manual ipa upload * switched to ubuntu for upload * decode to repo * Update create_release.yml * auth with username + password * reverted temporary settings * typo * disable pre-release integration tests by default * fixed integration tests * increased integration tests timeout * delete ipa after upload * delete all artifacts after the run * fixed integration tests * reduce integration tests timeout * build apk with latest macos runner * allow to skip release to one of the stores * added build checks to PR checks * fixed inputs naming * increased jvm heap
2025-01-21 18:43:14 +00:00
stage-backend: false
version: "1.0.0"