# Build As part of this project is private, you will be able to run this app from the _main_dev.dart_ file (i.e. --flavor dev). Also to avoid fatal errors the _main_prod.dart_ file is excluded from analysis. # Contribution To report a bug or suggest a new feature open a new [issue](https://github.com/vodemn/m3_lightmeter/issues). In case you want to help develop this project you need to follow this [style guide](doc/style_guide.md). # iOS Limitations A list of features, that Android version of the app has and that iOS does not. ## Incident light metering Apple does not provide API for reading Lux stream form the ambient light sensor. Lux can be calculated based on front camera image stream, but this would be a reflected light. So there is no way incident light metering can be implemented on iOS. ## Volume buttons action This can be [implemented](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70161271/ios-override-hardware-volume-buttons-same-as-zello) but the app will be rejected due to [2.5.9](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#software-requirements)