mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 15:30:59 +00:00
* sync with resources * separated `ExpandableSectionList` as widget * fixed generic type * implemented `FilmsScreen` (wip) * made `SliverScreen` title a widget * [`FilmEditScreen`] wip * [`FilmEditScreen`] added validation * fixed title overflow for `SliverScreen` * [`FilmEditScreen`] separated add and edit blocs * [`FilmEditScreen`] split into separate components * added bottom widget to `SliverScreen` * implemented films list tabs fo `FilmsScreen` * added films screen to navigation * replaced explicit routes names with enum values * implemented CRUD for custom films * added placeholder for empty custom films list * added `FilmsStorageService` * fixed unit tests * fixed integration tests * lint * fixed golden tests * added iap stub methods * added custom films to features list * use 2.0.0 resouces * fixed film picket tests * migrated to iap 1.0.1 * autofocus film name field * wait for the film to edited * migrated to iap 1.1.0 * typo * wait for storage initialization * migrated to iap 1.1.1 * fixed films initialization * added conditions to films model `updateShouldNotifyDependent` * typo * fixed select film discard notify * covered films model `updateShouldNotifyDependent`
144 lines
6.1 KiB
144 lines
6.1 KiB
"@@locale": "zh",
"fastestExposurePair": "最快曝光组合",
"slowestExposurePair": "最慢曝光组合",
"ev": "EV",
"evValue": "{value} EV",
"@evValue": {
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"type": "String"
"iso": "ISO",
"filmSpeed": "胶片感光度",
"nd": "ND",
"ndFilterFactor": "ND 滤镜系数",
"noExposurePairs": "所选设置没有曝光配对",
"noCamerasDetected": "您的设备似乎没有连接到任何摄像头",
"noCameraPermission": "未获得摄像头权限",
"otherCameraError": "连接摄像头时发生错误",
"none": "无",
"cancel": "取消",
"select": "选择",
"save": "保存",
"settings": "设置",
"metering": "测量",
"fractionalStops": "EV 步进值",
"showFractionalStops": "显示 EV 步进值",
"halfStops": "1/2",
"thirdStops": "1/3",
"calibration": "校准",
"calibrationMessage": "此应用程序测量读数的准确性取决于设备的后置摄像头。如需更精确的测量结果或测量结果存在偏差,请手动校准 EV 。",
"calibrationMessageCameraOnly": "此应用程序测量读数的准确性取决于设备的后置摄像头。如需更精确的测量结果或测量结果存在偏差,请手动校准 EV 。",
"camera": "摄像头",
"lightSensor": "光传感器",
"showEv100": "显示 EV\u2081\u2080\u2080",
"meteringScreenLayout": "布局",
"meteringScreenLayoutHint": "隐藏不需要的元素,以免浪费曝光列表空间",
"meteringScreenLayoutHintEquipmentProfiles": "设备配置选择",
"meteringScreenFeatureExtremeExposurePairs": "最快 & 最慢曝光组合",
"meteringScreenFeatureFilmPicker": "胶片选择",
"cameraFeatures": "相机功能",
"cameraFeatureSpotMetering": "点测光",
"cameraFeatureSpotMeteringHint": "长按相机视图可移除测光点",
"cameraFeatureHistogram": "直方图",
"cameraFeatureHistogramHint": "启用直方图会增加电池消耗",
"film": "胶片",
"filmPush": "胶片 (push)",
"filmPull": "胶片 (pull)",
"filmReciprocityHint": "对快门速度超过 1 秒的情况进行修正",
"equipmentProfileName": "设备配置名称",
"equipmentProfileNameHint": "Praktica MTL5B",
"equipmentProfileAllValues": "全部",
"apertureValues": "光圈值",
"apertureValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的光圈值范围。这通常由您使用的镜头决定。",
"ndFilters": "ND 滤镜",
"ndFiltersFilterDescription": "选择要显示的 ND 滤镜系数。可能是您最常用的 ND 滤镜,也可能是适合您镜头的减光镜。",
"shutterSpeedValues": "快门速度",
"shutterSpeedValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的快门速度范围。这通常由您使用的相机机身决定。",
"shutterSpeedManualShort": "B",
"shutterSpeedManual": "手册",
"isoValues": "ISO",
"isoValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的 ISO 。这些可能是您常用的ISO值,也可以是相机支持的ISO范围。",
"lensZoom": "镜头变焦",
"lensZoomDescription": "设置相对于手机摄像头的变焦级别,使其与相机取景器相匹配。",
"equipmentProfile": "设备配置",
"equipmentProfiles": "设备配置",
"tapToAdd": "点击添加",
"filmsInUse": "使用的胶片",
"filmsInUseDescription": "选择你使用的胶片",
"general": "通用",
"keepScreenOn": "保持屏幕常亮",
"haptics": "震动",
"autostartTimer": "自动启动定时器",
"volumeKeysAction": "音量键快门",
"language": "语言",
"chooseLanguage": "选择语言",
"theme": "主题",
"chooseTheme": "选择主题",
"themeLight": "亮色",
"themeDark": "暗色",
"themeSystemDefault": "跟随系统",
"dynamicColor": "动态颜色",
"primaryColor": "主题颜色",
"choosePrimaryColor": "选择主题颜色",
"about": "关于",
"restorePurchases": "恢复购买",
"sourceCode": "源代码",
"reportIssue": "报告问题",
"writeEmail": "Email",
"youDontHaveMailApp": "您没有安装任何邮件App。",
"copyEmail": "复制电子邮件",
"version": "Version",
"versionNumber": "{version} ({buildNumber})",
"@versionNumber": {
"placeholders": {
"version": {
"type": "String"
"buildNumber": {
"type": "String"
"getPro": "购买专业版",
"featuresFree": "免费",
"featuresPro": "专业版",
"proFeaturesPromoText": "Lightmeter Pro 提供您需要的一切,助您拍出最佳照片!",
"proFeaturesWhatsIncluded": "包括哪些内容?",
"featureReflectedLightMetering": "反射光测光",
"featureIncidentLightMetering": "入射光测光",
"featureIsoAndNdValues": "广泛的ISO和ND滤镜值范围",
"featureTheme": "主题自定义",
"featureSpotMetering": "点测光",
"featureHistogram": "直方图",
"featureListOfFilms": "20多部电影的修正公式列表",
"featureCustomFilms": "创建自定义胶片的能力",
"featureEquipmentProfiles": "设备配置文件",
"featureTimer": "内置长曝光计时器",
"featureMeteringScreenLayout": "可自定义的主屏幕",
"proFeaturesSupportText": "通过购买Lightmeter Pro,您支持开发工作,并使添加新功能成为可能。",
"getNowFor": "立即获取 {price}",
"@getNowFor": {
"price": {
"version": {
"type": "String"
"tooltipAdd": "添加",
"tooltipClose": "关闭",
"tooltipExpand": "展开",
"tooltipCollapse": "崩溃",
"tooltipCopy": "复制",
"tooltipDelete": "删除",
"tooltipSelectAll": "全选",
"tooltipDesecelectAll": "取消全选",
"resetToZero": "重置为零",
"tooltipUseLightSensor": "使用光线传感器",
"tooltipUseCamera": "使用摄像头",
"tooltipOpenSettings": "打开设置",
"exposurePair": "曝光对"
} |