Vadim 7787558713
ML-160 Integration tests (#161)
* test granting and revoking pro features

* extracted common widget tester actions

* test disabling & enabling of the metering screen layout features

* added integration tests to CI

* added integration tests to PR check

* allow matrix jobs to fail

* use base64 -d

* downgraded iphone version to the supported one

* use proper android device name

* typo in macos version

* upgraded iphone version to the supported one

* updated android compileSdkVersion

* added google services json restoration

* combined all tests in one file

* removed ipa signing for ios test

* debug prints :)

* lints

* refined tester extension and expectations

* e2e test (wip)

* added more expectations to e2e test

* changed pickers order a bit in e2e test

* added equipment profiles creation to e2e test

* added film selection to e2e test

* set android emulator API level to 32

* use flutter drive for integration tests

* removed app pre-build

* try running tests only for one platform

* added no-dds to flutter drive

* try running only on ios

* bumped macos version

* increased tests timeout


* removed prints

* Update Podfile

* restore firebase_app_id_file.json

* Delete run_integration_tests.sh

* run e2e with all tests

* reverted pr-check
2024-03-13 15:34:26 +01:00

118 lines
4.1 KiB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/application.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/application_wrapper.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/environment.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/generated/l10n.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/res/dimens.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/components/bottom_controls/components/measure_button/widget_button_measure.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/components/shared/exposure_pairs_list/widget_list_exposure_pairs.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/screen_metering.dart';
import 'package:m3_lightmeter_iap/m3_lightmeter_iap.dart';
import 'package:m3_lightmeter_resources/m3_lightmeter_resources.dart';
import '../mocks/iap_products_mock.dart';
import '../mocks/paid_features_mock.dart';
import 'platform_channel_mock.dart';
const mockPhotoEv100 = 8.3;
extension WidgetTesterCommonActions on WidgetTester {
Future<void> pumpApplication({
IAPProductStatus productStatus = IAPProductStatus.purchased,
List<EquipmentProfile>? equipmentProfiles,
String selectedEquipmentProfileId = '',
List<Film>? films,
Film selectedFilm = const Film.other(),
}) async {
await pumpWidget(
initialyPurchased: productStatus == IAPProductStatus.purchased,
child: ApplicationWrapper(
const Environment.dev(),
child: MockIAPProviders(
equipmentProfiles: equipmentProfiles,
selectedEquipmentProfileId: selectedEquipmentProfileId,
films: films,
selectedFilm: selectedFilm,
child: const Application(),
await pumpAndSettle();
Future<void> takePhoto() async {
await tap(find.byType(MeteringMeasureButton));
await pump(const Duration(seconds: 2)); // wait for circular progress indicator
await pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // wait for circular progress indicator
await pumpAndSettle();
Future<void> toggleIncidentMetering(double ev) async {
await tap(find.byType(MeteringMeasureButton));
await sendMockIncidentEv(ev);
await tap(find.byType(MeteringMeasureButton));
await pumpAndSettle();
Future<void> openAnimatedPicker<T>() async {
await tap(find.byType(T));
await pumpAndSettle(Dimens.durationL);
Future<void> openSettings() async {
await tap(find.byTooltip(S.current.tooltipOpenSettings));
await pumpAndSettle();
Future<void> navigatorPop() async {
(state(find.byType(Navigator)) as NavigatorState).pop();
await pumpAndSettle(Dimens.durationML);
extension WidgetTesterListTileActions on WidgetTester {
/// Useful for tapping a specific [ListTile] inside a specific screen or dialog
Future<void> tapDescendantTextOf<T>(String text) async {
await tap(find.descendant(of: find.byType(T), matching: find.text(text)));
await pumpAndSettle();
extension WidgetTesterTextButtonActions on WidgetTester {
Future<void> tapSelectButton() => _tapTextButton(S.current.select);
Future<void> tapCancelButton() => _tapTextButton(S.current.cancel);
Future<void> tapSaveButton() => _tapTextButton(S.current.save);
Future<void> _tapTextButton(String text) async {
final button = find.byWidgetPredicate(
(widget) => widget is TextButton && widget.child is Text && (widget.child as Text?)?.data == text,
expect(button, findsOneWidget);
await tap(button);
await pumpAndSettle();
extension WidgetTesterExposurePairsListActions on WidgetTester {
Future<void> scrollToTheLastExposurePair({
double ev = mockPhotoEv100,
StopType stopType = StopType.third,
EquipmentProfile equipmentProfile = defaultEquipmentProfile,
}) async {
final exposurePairs = MeteringContainerBuidler.buildExposureValues(
await scrollUntilVisible(
find.byWidgetPredicate((widget) => widget is Row && widget.key == ValueKey(exposurePairs.length - 1)),
scrollable: find.descendant(of: find.byType(ExposurePairsList), matching: find.byType(Scrollable)),