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synced 2025-03-12 13:20:42 +00:00

* added equipment profiles to layout config * calculate layout height based on `MeteringScreenLayoutFeature` * Update cd_dev.yml * Fixed equipment profile tile padding * import * `webfactory/ssh-agent` * Update pubspec.yaml * fixed `MeteringScreenLayoutConfigJson` tests * fixed `UserPreferencesService` tests * reset selected equipment profile when layout feature is disabled * `IAPProductType.equipment` -> `IAPProductType.paidFeatures` * updated packages versions * Update shared_prefs_service.dart * Fixed & tested exposure pairs list builder * typo * typo * added iap repo stub * Renamed `EquipmentProfileData` ->`EquipmentProfile` * Moved `EquipmentProfileProvider` to iap repo * Update README.md * Fixed `EquipmentProfileListener` * Improved `EquipmentProfilesListTile` statuses visualization * Update README.md * Update ci.yml * Post-merge fixes * typo * Added workflow checks * more sophisticated iap icons * Include IAP by default * added loader for `IAPProductStatus.pending` * typo * Added equipment profiles list placeholder * typo * separated `IconPlaceholder` * improved `buildExposureValues` testing * cleanup
90 lines
3.7 KiB
90 lines
3.7 KiB
"@@locale": "zh",
"fastestExposurePair": "最快曝光组合",
"slowestExposurePair": "最慢曝光组合",
"ev": "EV",
"evValue": "{value} EV",
"@evValue": {
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"type": "String"
"iso": "ISO",
"filmSpeed": "胶片感光度",
"nd": "ND",
"ndFilterFactor": "ND 滤镜系数",
"noExposurePairs": "所选设置没有曝光配对",
"noCamerasDetected": "您的设备似乎没有连接到任何摄像头",
"noCameraPermission": "未获得摄像头权限",
"otherCameraError": "连接摄像头时发生错误",
"none": "无",
"cancel": "取消",
"select": "选择",
"save": "保存",
"settings": "设置",
"metering": "测量",
"fractionalStops": "EV 步进值",
"showFractionalStops": "显示 EV 步进值",
"halfStops": "1/2",
"thirdStops": "1/3",
"calibration": "校准",
"calibrationMessage": "此应用测量读数的准确性完全取决于设备的硬件。因此,请考虑测试此应用并手动设置 EV 校准,以获得准确的测量结果。",
"calibrationMessageCameraOnly": "此应用程序测量读数的准确性完全取决于设备的后置摄像头。因此,请考虑测试此应用并手动设置 EV 校准,以获得准确的测量结果。",
"camera": "摄像头",
"lightSensor": "光传感器",
"meteringScreenLayout": "布局",
"meteringScreenLayoutHint": "隐藏不需要的元素,以免浪费曝光列表空间",
"meteringScreenFeatureExtremeExposurePairs": "最快 & 最慢曝光组合",
"meteringScreenFeatureFilmPicker": "胶片选择",
"meteringScreenFeatureHistogram": "直方图",
"film": "胶片",
"equipment": "设备",
"equipmentProfileName": "设备配置名称",
"equipmentProfileNameHint": "Praktica MTL5B",
"equipmentProfileAllValues": "全部",
"apertureValues": "光圈值",
"apertureValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的光圈值范围。这通常由您使用的镜头决定。",
"ndFilters": "ND 滤镜",
"ndFiltersFilterDescription": "选择要显示的 ND 滤镜系数。这些可能是您最常用的 ND 滤镜,也可能是适合您镜头的滤光镜。",
"shutterSpeedValues": "快门速度",
"shutterSpeedValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的快门速度范围。这通常由您使用的相机机身决定。",
"isoValues": "ISO",
"isoValuesFilterDescription": "选择要显示的 ISO。这些值可能是您最常用的值,也可能是相机支持的值。",
"equipmentProfile": "设备配置",
"equipmentProfiles": "设备配置",
"tapToAdd": "點擊添加",
"general": "通用",
"keepScreenOn": "保持屏幕常亮",
"haptics": "震动",
"volumeKeysAction": "音量键快门",
"language": "语言",
"chooseLanguage": "选择语言",
"theme": "主题",
"chooseTheme": "选择主题",
"themeLight": "亮色",
"themeDark": "暗色",
"themeSystemDefault": "跟随系统",
"dynamicColor": "动态颜色",
"primaryColor": "主题颜色",
"choosePrimaryColor": "选择主题颜色",
"about": "关于",
"sourceCode": "源代码",
"reportIssue": "报告问题",
"writeEmail": "Email",
"youDontHaveMailApp": "您没有安装任何邮件App。",
"copyEmail": "复制电子邮件",
"version": "Version",
"versionNumber": "{version} ({buildNumber})",
"@versionNumber": {
"placeholders": {
"version": {
"type": "String"
"buildNumber": {
"type": "String"