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synced 2025-03-12 21:30:40 +00:00
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import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/data/models/film.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/data/models/volume_action.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/interactors/metering_interactor.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/bloc_metering.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/communication/bloc_communication_metering.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/communication/event_communication_metering.dart'
as communication_events;
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/communication/state_communication_metering.dart'
as communication_states;
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/components/shared/volume_keys_notifier/notifier_volume_keys.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/event_metering.dart';
import 'package:lightmeter/screens/metering/state_metering.dart';
import 'package:m3_lightmeter_resources/m3_lightmeter_resources.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
class _MockMeteringInteractor extends Mock implements MeteringInteractor {}
class _MockVolumeKeysNotifier extends Mock implements VolumeKeysNotifier {}
class _MockMeteringCommunicationBloc extends MockBloc<
communication_states.MeteringCommunicationState> implements MeteringCommunicationBloc {}
void main() {
late _MockMeteringInteractor meteringInteractor;
late _MockVolumeKeysNotifier volumeKeysNotifier;
late _MockMeteringCommunicationBloc communicationBloc;
late MeteringBloc bloc;
const iso100 = IsoValue(100, StopType.full);
setUp(() {
meteringInteractor = _MockMeteringInteractor();
when<IsoValue>(() => meteringInteractor.iso).thenReturn(iso100);
when<NdValue>(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter).thenReturn(NdValue.values.first);
when<Film>(() => meteringInteractor.film).thenReturn(Film.values.first);
when(meteringInteractor.quickVibration).thenAnswer((_) async {});
when(meteringInteractor.responseVibration).thenAnswer((_) async {});
when(meteringInteractor.errorVibration).thenAnswer((_) async {});
volumeKeysNotifier = _MockVolumeKeysNotifier();
communicationBloc = _MockMeteringCommunicationBloc();
bloc = MeteringBloc(
tearDown(() {
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'`MeasureEvent` -> success',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringEndedState(2));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.quickVibration()).called(1);
verify(() => communicationBloc.add(const communication_events.MeasureEvent())).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration()).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 2),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'`MeasureEvent` -> error',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringEndedState(null));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.quickVibration()).called(1);
verify(() => communicationBloc.add(const communication_events.MeasureEvent())).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.errorVibration()).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false)
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', null)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', null),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'`MeasureEvent` -> continuous metering',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
// delays here simulate light sensor behaviour
// when sensor does not fire new LUX events when value is not changed
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringInProgressState(null));
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringInProgressState(2));
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringInProgressState(5.5));
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringInProgressState(null));
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringInProgressState(4));
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringEndedState(4));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.quickVibration()).called(2);
verify(() => communicationBloc.add(const communication_events.MeasureEvent())).called(2);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration()).called(4);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.errorVibration()).called(2);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', true)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', null),
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', true)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 2),
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', true)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 5.5),
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', true)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', null),
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', true)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 4),
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 4),
timeout: const Timeout(Duration(seconds: 4)),
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ISO (ev100 != null)',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const IsoChangedEvent(IsoValue(200, StopType.full)));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = Film.values.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(200, StopType.full)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 2.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values.first)
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(200, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ISO (ev100 = null)',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: null,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const IsoChangedEvent(IsoValue(200, StopType.full)));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = Film.values.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(200, StopType.full)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', null)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', null)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values.first)
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(200, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick same ISO',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const IsoChangedEvent(IsoValue(100, StopType.full)));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = Film.values.first).called(1);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(100, StopType.full));
expect: () => [],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ISO & measure',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const IsoChangedEvent(IsoValue(200, StopType.full)));
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringEndedState(2));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = Film.values.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(200, StopType.full)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 2.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values.first)
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(200, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 2.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 3.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values.first)
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(200, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ND (ev100 != null)',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const NdChangedEvent(NdValue(2)));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = const NdValue(2)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 0.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values[1])
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', const NdValue(2))
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ND (ev100 = null)',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: null,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const NdChangedEvent(NdValue(2)));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = const NdValue(2)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', null)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', null)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values[1])
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', const NdValue(2))
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick same ND',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
verify: (_) {
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = NdValue.values.first);
expect: () => [],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different ND & measure',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const NdChangedEvent(NdValue(2)));
bloc.add(const MeasureEvent());
bloc.onCommunicationState(const communication_states.MeteringEndedState(2));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = const NdValue(2)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 0.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values[1])
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', const NdValue(2))
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 2.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values[1])
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', const NdValue(2))
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different film with different ISO',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: const FomapanFilm.creative100(),
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const FilmChangedEvent(FomapanFilm.creative200()));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = const FomapanFilm.creative200()).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(200, StopType.full)).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 2.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', const FomapanFilm.creative200())
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(200, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick different film with same ISO',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: const FomapanFilm.creative100(),
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const FilmChangedEvent(IlfordFilm.delta100()));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = const IlfordFilm.delta100()).called(1);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(100, StopType.full));
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', const IlfordFilm.delta100())
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick same film',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: const FomapanFilm.creative100(),
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const FilmChangedEvent(FomapanFilm.creative100()));
verify: (_) {
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.film = const FomapanFilm.creative100());
expect: () => [],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Pick `Film.other()`',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: const FomapanFilm.creative100(),
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const FilmChangedEvent(Film.other()));
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = const Film.other()).called(1);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.iso = const IsoValue(0, StopType.full));
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration());
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.ev, 'ev', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', const Film.other())
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
() {
final reducedProfile = EquipmentProfile(
id: '0',
name: 'Reduced',
apertureValues: ApertureValue.values,
ndValues: NdValue.values.getRange(0, 3).toList(),
shutterSpeedValues: ShutterSpeedValue.values,
isoValues: IsoValue.values.getRange(4, 23).toList(),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'New profile has current ISO & ND',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
verify: (_) {
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.film = const Film.other());
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.iso = reducedProfile.isoValues.first);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = reducedProfile.ndValues.first);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration());
expect: () => [],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'New profile has new ISO & current ND',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: IsoValue.values[2],
nd: NdValue.values.first,
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = const Film.other()).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = reducedProfile.isoValues.first).called(1);
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = reducedProfile.ndValues.first);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration()).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', const Film.other())
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', reducedProfile.isoValues.first)
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', NdValue.values.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'New profile has current ISO & new ND',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: const IsoValue(100, StopType.full),
nd: NdValue.values[4],
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
verify: (_) {
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.film = const Film.other());
verifyNever(() => meteringInteractor.iso = reducedProfile.isoValues.first);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = reducedProfile.ndValues.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration()).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', Film.values[1])
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', const IsoValue(100, StopType.full))
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', reducedProfile.ndValues.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'New profile has new ISO & new ND',
build: () => bloc,
seed: () => MeteringDataState(
ev100: 1.0,
film: Film.values[1],
iso: IsoValue.values[2],
nd: NdValue.values[4],
isMetering: false,
act: (bloc) async {
verify: (_) {
verify(() => meteringInteractor.film = const Film.other()).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.iso = reducedProfile.isoValues.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.ndFilter = reducedProfile.ndValues.first).called(1);
verify(() => meteringInteractor.responseVibration()).called(1);
expect: () => [
.having((state) => state.ev100, 'ev100', 1.0)
.having((state) => state.film, 'film', const Film.other())
.having((state) => state.iso, 'iso', reducedProfile.isoValues.first)
.having((state) => state.nd, 'nd', reducedProfile.ndValues.first)
.having((state) => state.isMetering, 'isMetering', false),
'`Volume keys shutter action`',
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Add/remove listener',
build: () => bloc,
verify: (_) {
verify(() => volumeKeysNotifier.addListener(bloc.onVolumeKey)).called(1);
verify(() => volumeKeysNotifier.removeListener(bloc.onVolumeKey)).called(1);
expect: () => [],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'onVolumeKey & VolumeAction.shutter',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
setUp: () {
when(() => meteringInteractor.volumeAction).thenReturn(VolumeAction.shutter);
verify: (_) {},
expect: () => [isA<LoadingState>()],
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'onVolumeKey & VolumeAction.none',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
setUp: () {
when(() => meteringInteractor.volumeAction).thenReturn(VolumeAction.none);
verify: (_) {},
expect: () => [],
() {
blocTest<MeteringBloc, MeteringState>(
'Settings opened & closed',
build: () => bloc,
act: (bloc) async {
bloc.add(const SettingsOpenedEvent());
bloc.add(const SettingsClosedEvent());
verify: (_) {
verify(() => communicationBloc.add(const communication_events.SettingsOpenedEvent()))
verify(() => communicationBloc.add(const communication_events.SettingsClosedEvent()))
expect: () => [],